Thursday, May 03, 2007

“How to Recognize, Cope and Deal with Your Loved One's Bipolar Disorder”

If you’re tired, frustrated, angry and confused about how to help your spouse, partner, parent, or other loved one cope with bipolar disorder, good news …
Bipolar Disorder Does Not Have to Be a Life Sentence. Your Loved One CAN Still Be a Happy, Stable, Calm, Successful and Productive Member of Society
From: David Oliver
Re.: Helping your loved one cope with bipolar disorder
Dear Fellow Bipolar Supporter,
If you’re supporting a spouse, partner, parent, or other loved one who has bipolar disorder, this will be the most important website you’ve ever found.
Because I’m going to reveal exactly how you can get a full arsenal of proven coping strategies and techniques to help you deal with your loved one’s bipolar disorder AND to help your loved one successfully live with the disorder.
This is information your doctors can’t (or won’t) give you. Information you won’t find at the library or bookstore. And information you desperately need if you want your loved one to finally enjoy a “normal” life and do all the things you take for granted, like:
Make and keep friends
Hold down a steady-paying job
Get along well with friends and neighbors
Treat you and other family members with respect and love
Enjoy an active social life
Act like a responsible, independent adult
Take good care of themselves
Pay all bills in full and on time
Use credit cards responsibly
Be able to arrange and pay for their basic needs
I know you want your loved one to achieve those dreams. But right now, they seem out of reach, don’t they?
Believe me, I know. Because two years ago, I was standing in your shoes.
I was typing the phrase “bipolar disorder” into every search engine on the Internet just hoping to find a magic solution that would end my nightmare.
I read through website after website trying to track down answers. I searched for reasons, guidance, even just someone to talk to. All I found was the same old rehashed information on bipolar disorder … nothing useful. And certainly nothing that told me how to help a loved one cope with bipolar.
It was incredibly frustrating. I was literally at the end of my rope … because every day seemed like one long, never-ending bad dream that I couldn't wake up from.
You see, my mother, who has had bipolar disorder since she was born, was in the middle of a major bipolar episode … probably the worst she had ever experienced. And I had stepped in to be her primary supporter. All the days of abuse, yelling, and screaming had taken their toll on me (the same feeling you’ve probably had with taking care of your loved one – the stress is incredible, isn’t it?).
The Internet was just the start for me. I devoured everything I could find at the library, including boring, technical medical journals and dozens of books. I tracked down every bipolar expert I could find, in all disciplines … from physician, to therapist, to pharmacist and beyond. And during my 8-month journey, I went from knowing nothing about her disorder and having NO idea how to help her … to becoming an expert who has been able to help her stay stable.
And after my months of research … I can tell you one thing for sure: if you’re supporting a loved one with bipolar, you have a better chance of winning one of those multi-state lotteries than of finding the information you need to help your loved one SUCCESSFULLY cope with bipolar.
Why? Because nearly all of the information that’s available is produced by doctors and professors who have a clinical relationship with bipolar disorder – NOT by people who are living with the disorder day in and day out.
But you don’t need cold, clinical theories from physicians who spent a few hours a day tending patients with bipolar. You need coping strategies that work … from people who walked in your shoes day in, day out.
Here’s the second thing I can tell you for sure: if you don’t get your hands on proven coping strategies – and soon – your loved one may end up permanently unemployed … addicted to drugs … sexually promiscuous … homeless … and even suicidal.
Want proof? Let me tell you how my family has been affected by my mom’s long struggle with bipolar.
Years Of Ignoring My Mother's Illness
During most of my life, my family didn't talk about my mother's illness. We didn't plan what to do if she went into another episode. We didn't talk to her doctor. We didn't educate ourselves about the illness. We simply pretended like it didn't exist.
In fact, no one in my house, not even me, used the word "bipolar" for the last 28 years.
When my mom went into an episode, we just sat back and hoped that she'd either get over it on her own or that her doctor would make it all better.
It Started Late One Spring
Near the end of spring two years ago, I started to notice that my mom was acting different. I could see changes in her, but I didn't say anything about it because we didn't talk about my mom's illness. Slowly, those changes became more obvious.
In November, my mom was really bad. She was yelling, screaming, and getting incredibly mad at everyone who came near her. After a little investigating, I found out that she was also missing days of work.
Even without talking about it, I knew that she was sick again. She was in a major "episode." And it was getting worse, not better.
The Mother Of All Episodes
My mother has had four major episodes. Those are the kind of episodes where she has to be hospitalized for more than 10 days. Based on my calculations, that was one major episode every 7 years or so.
This time wasn't like those episodes; it was much worse.
My mother had turned into a completely different person. She wouldn't eat or sleep. She only yelled, screamed, and said extremely hurtful things to my father and me. Since my brother doesn't like to deal with the problem, he never made himself available, if you know what I mean.
For about a month, my mom was on this rampage. She missed many days of work and finally stopped going altogether. Even then, she would call her job at least 6 to 8 times a day. She would also call family members and friends just to say mean things to them. I can't tell you how many people she alienated in just that short period of time.
The Lies Started
If that wasn't bad enough, my mom then started to make things up. She would tell people that I said this or that my dad had said that when in reality, we hadn't said anything of the sort. She'd tell me that other people had told her things which I found out was completely not true.
It was so bad that we couldn't tell when she was telling the truth or telling a lie.
I Got Fed Up
One day after she screamed at me for about an hour, I started to get really mad (but not mad at her, though).
I was mad that I didn't know what was wrong with her.
I was mad that it didn't seem like anything could help her.
I was mad that no one in my family was doing anything except pretending the problem would fix itself.
And I was mad that I didn't have any information. I didn't even know the correct name for what she had. My family had always just called it "manic depression," even though that term hadn't been used in years.
I Decided It Was Time For My Mother To Go The Hospital
I finally decided that she needed to go to the hospital. Of course, she refused. She screamed that she was fine. She told me that I needed to go to the hospital, not her. She insisted that all of her "supporters" said she would get better at home. She called me a "terrible son" and demanded that I "get out" of her life "forever."
And that was just the beginning. She continued to swear at me and to throw everything she could get her hands on at me. She repeatedly demanded that I leave the house and leave her alone because she never wanted to see me again.
For the next four weeks, my mom continued to stay in the house instead of going to the hospital. Initially, I thought about following my brother's lead and pretending that there was no problem. I could just close my eyes, cross my fingers, and hope that everything would work itself out.
But I couldn't do that. You see, my dad has quite a few health problems, including congestive heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. I was worried that my mom's screaming would cause him to eventually have a heart attack.
To protect my dad's health, I spoke to my mom every morning so that she could scream and yell at me for at least an hour. EVERY DAY for 4 straight weeks she screamed at me every morning and again when I called her at night. For about two hours a day, I let her scream at me so I could divert at least some of her anger away from my dad.
The Doctor Didn't Have A Clue
After searching for awhile, I was able to find the name of my mom's doctor. We'd never talked to him or about him, so we'd also never learned his name or his number (which was one of my family's big mistakes).
When I did talk to the doctor, he didn't have a clue. He didn't know that my mom was "that bad." He said that he was trying to regulate her medicine, and I asked, "How are you going to know when her medicine was right?"
Do you know what he said? He said, "I'll ask her."
Can you imagine asking a mentally ill person to determine whether or not their medication is effective? He was a moron!
I asked him many other questions, too, but he didn't have any answers. He couldn't give me one single answer!
He made me so angry that I finally said, "Let's start over again and let me ask you some warm up questions like "What's your name?" and "What state do you live in?'"
Of course that made him mad, but it also made me realize that he was part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I Went To The Library
Since her doctor didn't know anything, I decided to visit a large library in my area to find some answers. When I went in, I felt nervous about asking the reference librarian for help finding information on "manic depression." I was convinced she was going to run from me or give me some weird look because I truly thought that people frowned on any discussion of mental illness.
Thankfully, I was wrong. Everyone in the library was very helpful. That wasn't the problem.
The problem was that there weren't very many books on manic depression or bipolar disorder. There were zillions of books on weight loss, gardening, cooking, and living with other health problems but there were no books on how to cope with someone who has bipolar disorder.
The books I did find spend most of the time talking about why people have bipolar disorder, but they never talked about the kinds of issues I was facing with my mom... such as how to get someone into treatment, how to get them out of debt, how to prevent them from losing their job, etc.
Plus, most of the books about bipolar disorder were too technical to be easily understood or were written by bipolar people for bipolar people. Neither type of book was helpful to me, so there was a huge gap in the knowledge base.
That's why I started finding other sources of information. I read articles, college textbooks, and similar materials. Plus, I started finding support groups.
After about 20 days of MASSIVE research, I finally could say that I had a handle on the situation and could identify most of the mistakes my family had made during the last 30 years.
However, I didn't stop there. Over the next few months, I started interviewing doctors, therapists, hospital workers, social workers, and individuals that have bipolar. I attended support groups and started compiling information, making notes, and creating checklists. As I was doing all of this, my main goal was to NEVER repeat what was happening to my mom.
I Decided To Learn Everything There Was To Know
After that, I took off 6 months from work in order to drive all over my state on a quest to learn everything that I could about bipolar disorder. I attended support groups and interviewed people. I spent and lost an incredible amount of money because I had to pay most of these people to talk to me and because I wasn't able to attend to my own business.
All of my research was worth it. Here's how it's helped my mom:
Mom before I did my research
Wouldn't admit she had a disorder
Massive debt
Bad doctor
No therapist
Medicine not working
Threatening debt collectors
No plan if she gets sick
Little cooperation
Lost 15 jobs in 10 years
Mom today after a lot of research
Admits she has the disorder
Debt under control
Great doctor
Great therapist
Medicine working
NO debt collection calls
Detailed plan if she gets sick again
Full cooperation
Great job that's flexible and stress free
The difference this information has made in my life and in my family's life has been amazing. Helping my mom is so much easier these days. I only wish I had found all of this out years ago.
Although my story has a positive ending, I met many people during my research whose stories were not ending well. So many of them were desperate to find some answers that would help their loved one, but they didn’t have the time, money and energy to do the same amount of massive research I had undertaken. They were struggling to make it through each day, constantly sick with worry that something horrible would happen to their loved one before the bipolar was brought under control.
Which of These Questions Are You Desperate to Answer?
They were struggling to answer questions like:
“What is bipolar disorder exactly … and did I do something that caused this?”
“Why has it been so hard to get an accurate diagnosis?”
“How do I find a good doctor and therapist?”
“What are the treatment options for bipolar disorder … and which will work best?”
“Does my loved one really need to be medicated for bipolar?”
“How can I make sure my loved one is taking all prescribed medications?”
“Our medical bills are skyrocketing – how will we ever be able to manage these costs?”
“Will my loved one ever be able to hold down a job?”
“What are the signs that bipolar episode is coming on … and is there anything I can do to head it off?”
”How do I know if my loved one really belongs in a residential treatment program?”
“Who will take care of my loved one if I die?”
“How can I convince my loved one that they have to go to all doctor’s appointments?”
“How can I help my loved one make and keep friends?”
“What can I do to handle the stress of being a supporter?”
“Is there anything I can do now to help my loved one regain some independence?
I know how much pain can result from not having answers or solutions … and how much damage bipolar disorder can do to a family that’s never had the right information before.
With the information I learned, I would be able to help other families overcome, and even prevent, the tremendous obstacles my mother has had to conquer.
How My Pain Will Be Your Gain
Even after that six months was over, I kept going to support groups and talking to people who had bipolar disorder. When they heard that I had done all of this research and that I was helping my mom, they started asking for my help, too. So I did. Some of them even suggested that I write a book because they knew, like I did, that there simply wasn't enough good information out there.
One of my friends finally said, "Dave, don't you think it's your duty to share what you know with other people so they don't have to suffer like you did?"
That made me think. The truth is I would have done ANYTHING when I was first dealing with my mom's episode to get all of the information I have now. If I could have had everything in some type of course or book or audio tape, then things would have been so much easier for me, my dad... even my mom.
Introducing The Bipolar Supporter's Course
That's why I put together The Bipolar Supporter’s Course, which is filled with all of the tips, tricks, and secrets that you can use to support loved ones who are battling bipolar disorder.
Once I got started, I realized that the same information may not be right for everyone. And because I want to help as many people as possible, I created two versions of the The Bipolar Supporter's Course.
Let's talk about each of these versions and how they can help you. That way you can pick the one that best suits your family’s needs and budget.
Option #1: The Basic Bipolar Supporter’s Course
The Basic Edition comes with a number of items that will help you to better help your loved one and your family cope with bipolar disorder. The core of the basic course is The Bipolar Supporter's Manual.
This 168-page resource is bursting with the tips, smart strategies and answers you’ve been seeking … including ways to effectively deal with two of the most frustrating – and chronic – challenges you face as a bipolar supporter:
Dealing with your loved one’s manic episodes. Depressive episodes are far easier to deal with, because your loved one typically recognizes that things are right … and it’s not much fun being depressed. People in the grips of a manic episodes, however, feel on top of the world. They don’t recognize that they’re sick, which makes it difficult to get them to cooperate with you. Plus they tend to be much more argumentative, irrational, impulsive, and oblivious to the risks and consequences of their actions.
Getting your loved one to follow their treatment plan. There are dozens of reasons why people with bipolar disorder don’t want treatment … ranging from the fact that they don’t feel sick … to their desire not to be “dulled” by medication. Or you might find that your loved one will initially follow a treatment plan, but then will go off medication once they feel better.
The Bipolar Supporter’s Course is chock full of proven techniques to help you navigate these and other challenges with ease. Take a look for yourself:
36 common symptoms your loved one may experience during a bipolar disorder episode … and which ones you should be most alert for (page 9)
The unfortunate reality is that some people with bipolar disorder will be unable to work. Here’s how to tell if they can be gainfully employed … or if you have to secure federal disability benefits (page 24)
The 4 critical things you must never change – doing so will dramatically increase your stress and unhappiness (page 103)
Everyone has mood swings, right? Find out what’s different about the mood swings that are associated with bipolar disorder … and how it can affect your family (page 11)
3 less common, but highly effective, treatments you may want to consider for your loved one (page 47)
The simple – yet easy to forget – way to minimize the number of episodes your loved one suffers (page 26)
The three biggest problems with diagnosing bipolar disorder … and how to ensure that your loved one is diagnosed correctly and promptly (page 14)
Four ways to tell that your loved one needs medical treatment … and when the symptoms they’re exhibiting are within a normal range (page 15)
How bipolar disorder is diagnosed … and the one thing you must never do during this process (page 16)
One common misconception about bipolar disorder is that people afflicted with the disease constantly cycle between mania and depression. Discover the truth about how often your loved one will be hit with an episode (page 12)
The 14 key questions you should ask your loved one’s current medical professionals – at a minimum – to evaluate whether they are good enough to keep treating your loved one (Beware the professional who avoids these questions or discourages you from asking them – it’s usually a sign of incompetence, while the best medical professionals wish more patients would ask these tough questions) (page 30)
The 14 things you need to successfully support someone with bipolar disorder (page 21)
The 6 things you must look for (at a minimum) when shopping for a psychiatrist and therapist – ignore even one of these and your loved one won’t recover as quickly, easily or fully as they should (page 22)
The truth about what support groups can and cannot do for you (hint: don’t expect to find any useful coping strategies there) (page 49)
As a lifelong supporter of someone with bipolar disorder, finances are going to be one of your biggest concerns. Learn 3 of the best options for absorbing this massive cost without going broke (page 23)
How your commitment and ability to think like a general will improve the medical care your loved one receives … and even save their life (page 34)
3 traps that many bipolar supporters fall into … and how to avoid them so you can still live a happy, fulfilling life (page 25)
The 2 most common problems you’ll run into if your loved one has health insurance that covers their bipolar disorder treatment (page 65)
The 6 types of medical professionals that most people with bipolar disorder find crucial in their recovery (page 27)
The 7 biggest reasons your family should be involved in supporting your loved one (page 111)
How HIPAA affects your ability to properly support your loved one … and what you need to do as soon as possible so this privacy law doesn’t prevent you from doing your job (page 44)
4 common ways to find qualified medical professionals who treat bipolar disorder … and the problems to be aware of with each method (page 30)
Grieving a “normal” life is normal for supporters, as well as their loved ones who have been diagnosed with bipolar. Discover the 5 stages of acceptance, so that you can help your family cope with their feelings more effectively (page 17)
Why some physicians don’t believe that therapy is a necessary part of a bipolar treatment plan … and why listening to this opinion can seriously endanger your loved one’s health (and even their life) (page 32)
Many bipolar supporters expect to see immediate improvement in their loved one, especially if medication is part of the treatment plan. Guess what, it won’t happen that fast. Here’s how quickly you can reasonably expect to see a change in your loved one (page 47)
The 3 distinct types of bipolar disorder … and which can be the worst kind to have (page 8)
The people and organizations you must contact TODAY to protect your loved one in an emergency medical situation (page 35)
4 steps to take with your loved one to minimize the damaging effects of bipolar disorder and speed recovery during an episode (page 36)
Why medications are almost always used for the treatment of bipolar disorder … and why you should be thrilled that your loved one will be taking pills the rest of their lives (trust me, when I tell you about the alternative, you’ll beating down the doctor’s door for a prescription) (page 53)
The 3 scenarios when you absolutely must get your loved one to a hospital – no matter what it takes (page 37)
What a WRAP is … and the 5 components it needs to be useful to your loved one (page 78)
When all else fails, involuntary commitment may be your only choice of getting medical treatment for your loved one. Discover what to do to minimize the stress and confusion that usually results during this process (page 43)
How HIPAA affects your ability to properly support your loved one … and what you need to do as soon as possible so this privacy law doesn’t prevent you from doing your job (page 44)
Almost a full 20 percent of people with this disorder commit suicide. Discover the single most important thing you can do to prevent this from being your loved one’s fate (page 45)
5 ways that the wrong therapist can do more harm than good … and the 3 simple steps you can take to protect your loved one from dangerous therapists (page 32)
Your 3 primary responsibilities when it comes to your loved one’s medical treatment (page 46)
The top 3 options your loved one has if they don’t have medical insurance (page 66)
The easiest and usually most effective way to ensure that your loved one takes all medications as prescribed … and what to do if this doesn’t work (page 47)
Although having bipolar disorder is not something that your loved one can control, there are things you can do together to control the impact of the disease. Discover ways you can prevent or minimize the development of new episodes (page 13)
Who can develop bipolar disorder … and the likelihood of it happening again in your family (page 10)
The unorthodox approach to finding medical professionals that gets highly qualified, “best of the best” physicians battling it out to be your doctor of choice (page 31)
Support groups are not one-size-fits-all. Discover how to find a group that’s right for your unique needs and situation (page 50)
6 questions you can ask your loved one to improve the support you provide and make them more willing to cooperate with you (page 69)
21 ways to get your loved one to go to the doctor voluntarily … even if they claim that they are fine. (Hundreds of bipolar supporters use these techniques each day to get their loved one the medical care they desperately need) (page 37)
20 questions to ask yourself to determine if you are co-dependent … and how your answer affects your ability to care for your loved one (page 120)
The 11 most common side effects of bipolar medications … and what your loved one can do to minimize their severity and effect (page 55)
What to do if your loved one doesn’t have health insurance … or if their medical benefits will expire soon because of a job loss (a very common problem faced by people with bipolar disorder) (page 23)
How you and your family may react to the bipolar diagnosis … and how to handle these reactions so that you can still support your loved one to the best of your ability (page 19)
Why you shouldn’t tolerate the abuse that people with bipolar disorder can dish out during an episode … and the most effective way to get them to treat you with love and respect again (page 82)
13 proven strategies for getting your loved one to take all prescribed medications on schedule and in the proper dosage (page 58)
The best time to talk to your loved one about managing bipolar disorder (page 36)
13 things you can do right now to help your loved one recover from a depressive episode (page 84)
The secret technique you may be able to use to prevent your insurance company from capping the benefits they’ll provide for bipolar treatment (your health insurance company will never volunteer this information for you … but it can save you a bundle) (page 66)
How to tell if you should be your loved one’s support person (especially if the two of you don’t get along) (page 133)
13 criteria you can use to judge the performance of your loved one’s medical team (page 31)
The difference between manic, depressive and mixed episodes … and how to tell when your loved one is heading into a rough patch (page 12)
6 ways to get medicine paid for if your loved one doesn’t have medical insurance or if their coverage doesn’t include a prescription plan (page 67)
Are you contributing to your loved one’s struggle with bipolar … and to the chaos that’s threatening to destroy your own life and happiness? Here’s how to tell (the answer might surprise you!) (page 126)
The Stockdale Paradox: what it is … and why you should use to steer your bipolar planning (page 74)
The 10 most common scenarios you must plan for if you want to be fully prepared to deal with anything that bipolar disorder can throw at you (page 75)
How planning for worst-case scenarios can actually prevent them from ever happening (page 75)
Why you MUST get your loved one to give you legal permission to access their medical records … and how to get information you need to help them when they won’t sign a medical release form (page 76)
9 warning signs that your loved one is suicidal – if you see any of these red flags, you must seek immediate medical attention (page 91)
The one thing you must never, ever do during your loved one’s manic episodes … and why it’s critical to seek medical treatment immediately (page 79)
The 2 things you can do to minimize drug interactions between bipolar medications and any other medicine your loved one is taking (page 57)
The 6 criteria your loved one’s medications must meet to be effective in treating bipolar disorder – finding the right combination of drugs for your loved one is not as simple as you think it should be (page 53)
If you’ve had enough and feel that you must stop supporting your loved one, here is the only time when it’s safe to leave – leave at any other time, and your loved one could end up injured, jailed or even dead (page 82)
6 questions to ask to tell when your loved one is showing normal emotions … and when you’re seeing the start of a new episode (page 86)
How to talk to your loved one about bipolar disorder … and how to adjust your approach based on how stable their moods are (page 68)
People with bipolar disorder are notoriously uncooperative – here’s the best way to get them to do what you want (page 90)
The 4 components of a comprehensive, successful treatment plan for bipolar disorder … and the one piece that some doctors dismiss (if your doctor says this isn’t necessary to consider, you need to find a new physician immediately!) (page 46)
The very real risks and dangers if your loved one is planning to have children in the future (page 109)
9 easy ways to prevent your loved one from spending all of their money and racking up massive debt during a manic episode (page 92)
3 ways you can do to protect yourself if your loved one ever gets violent (page 96)
The 9 warning signs that your loved one is suffering a dangerous reaction to bipolar medication – if you notice any of these signs, you must contact your loved one’s doctor immediately (page 56)
12 effective strategies for dealing with your loved one’s extreme mood swings and anger (page 97)
The 5 things you should plan when your loved one is between episodes (page 102)
The surprising way that the post office can help you battle bipolar disorder (page 84)
You can take up to 12 weeks off of work to take care of your loved one without losing your job – federal law guarantees it … IF you meet these 5 criteria (and if your loved one qualifies, too, they can take up to 3 months off to recover from an episode) (page 105)
The one area where you must be sneaky and devious if you truly want to protect your loved one from the horrible things they do when in a manic episode (page 81)
The 3 things the government will consider when determining whether your loved one qualifies for Supplemental Security Income (page 106)
What your loved one can do to speed the process of finding the right combination of drugs for the successful treatment of his/her bipolar disorder (page 54)
The easiest way to prevent messy conflicts between you and your loved one (page 134)
What family-focused therapy is … and the crucial role it can play in helping your loved one cope with bipolar disorder (page 111)
The one thing that many bipolar supporters do when their loved ones are in manic episodes … and why you may be doing more harm than good if you employ this strategy, too (page 80)
The 5 most important things your loved one needs you to do to be an effective support person (page 112)
10 things you should do to help you deal more effectively with the sometimes-overwhelming responsibilities of supporting someone with bipolar disorder (page 113)
The soothing craft that can help you manage your stress and make your family stronger (page 114)
The 3 criteria your loved one must meet to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (page 106)
According to the National Institute for Mental Health, you spend about 21 hours a week caring for your loved one – discover 16 easy ways to ensure that you still have the time and energy to nurture yourself (page 120)
Why you can’t turn over responsibility for your loved one’s treatment to medical professionals … and how active you should remain (page 28)
6 proven steps you can take to avoid taking your loved one’s hurtful words and actions personally (Trust me, you must learn to do this if you are going to survive supporting someone with bipolar. I ended up with a mild case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after helping my mom through her episode because I didn’t know how to do this well enough (page 98)
The most common reason that people with bipolar disorder end up divorced … and how to protect your marriage if your spouse has bipolar (page 108)
Many supporters find that the single hardest thing to accept about their loved one’s bipolar disorder is their promiscuity during manic episodes. Discover the shocking truth about what you can do to prevent this from happening (page 95)
The truth about whether herbal treatments work to cure bipolar disorder (page 138)
The 1-3 law … and how understanding it can make it easier to deal with the negative reactions you get when some people learn that your loved one has bipolar disorder (page 115)
Must Read Section:
How To Talk To Your Loved One About Bipolar Disorder
One of the hardest things you’ll have to do is talk to your loved one about his/her illness. In this special chapter, you’ll discover the best way to have this discussion – and how to share the information you’ve learned in The Bipolar Supporter’s Course without making him or her angry. Believe me, you MUST read this report before you talk to your loved one about bipolar disorder.
When you select The Bipolar Supporter’s Manual – Basic Edition, you’ll receive these additional resources:
Basic Resource #1 – How To Talk To Your Loved One’s Doctor Or Therapist When They Won’t Let You (Special Report)
One obstacle you may face when supporting your loved ones is that in the United States and many other countries, doctors can not speak to you about their patient without a signed medical release waiver. This requirement can make your job of supporting a loved one with bipolar very difficult.
In this amazing report, I'll show you an incredible way to communicate with your loved one's doctor – even if you can’t get a signed waiver. Don't worry, you're not going to do anything that would get you or your loved one's doctor into trouble. You'll just be taking advantage of a slight legal loophole that ensures you can get the necessary information to and from your loved one's doctor even before your loved one gives permission. This is especially helpful if you are taking on the support role while they are in the middle of an episode.
Basic Resource #2 – How to Get Your Loved One to the Doctor or Hospital (Mini-Course)
In this mini-course, you learn the answer to one of the most difficult aspects of supporting someone who has bipolar disorder: How to get a loved one to the hospital or doctor … even when he/she is not suicidal, not causing harm to themselves or others, or not extremely violent.
You see, if your loved one is exhibiting any of those behaviors, you can have them hospitalized involuntarily. But most bipolar people never meet those criteria, so you can't force them to see a doctor, go to the hospital, or get the help they need.
To enable you to get your loved one the help they need, I used more than just my own experience and the experiences of hundreds of other people that I've interviewed. I also tracked down a woman who is the head of a mental health service that evaluates individuals and persuades them to get treatment.
When I met with her, I was able to record our hour-long interview. This interview is incredible because you'll learn from someone who does this every day and who is trained to help the mentally ill get the treatment they need. I picked up dozens of useful tips during the interview (all of which worked, by the way) … and you will, too.
You'll receive that interview and a complete report as part of this mini-course, which teaches you all of the following:
What your options are besides involuntary commitment
21 ways that you can get a loved one into treatment without using involuntary commitment
A magical form that you can use to avoid having to involuntarily commit someone
People who are in your local area that can help you get a loved one into treatment
Questions you need to ask someone who has bipolar disorder
The absolute worst things to say to someone with bipolar disorder when they are in an episode
How to avoid confrontations that lead to violence
The shocking truth about what it takes to get someone into treatment that doesn’t want to go and can’t be involuntarily committed
How I was able to get my mom into treatment when all else failed
A toll free 800 number you can call for help and assistance.
What the HIPAA law is and why it can make your life a nightmare unless you know this one simple trick
The top ways that people used to get people into the hospital that no book or support group ever mentions
Why calling the police about a loved one’s episode could be deadly to them unless you do this
What you need to know about suicide and bipolar episodes
...and much, much more!
Basic Resource #3 – Planning Worksheets
When you’re supporting someone with bipolar disorder, there is a ton of information you need to keep track of. To make it easier to stay on track and remain stable, I’ve created 12 detailed worksheets to help you gather and organize your thoughts, plans and information. These are the same worksheets I used and gave to my mom to help in her recovery. They worked for her and now they'll work for you!
Basic Resource #4 – Checklists
I'm a huge believer in checklists, so you are going to get a lot of them. Like the worksheets, these are great tools that will help you stay on track with what you have to do to help maintain your loved one’s stability.
Option #2: The Masters Bipolar Supporter’s Course
If you, like most supporters of people with bipolar disorder, want as much information as possible about your loved one’s illness, the master’s version of The Bipolar Supporter's Course is the smartest investment.
One of the best things about the Master's Course is that you will receive information and interviews from people who have gone through what you are going through now. They know what you're up against AND they know how to beat the odds.
You won't find a bunch of untried theories and suggestions in these materials. Instead, you're going to receive proven effective strategies that will help to help your loved one.
You get everything that’s contained in the basic versions, plus all of this:
Master Resource #1 – Bipolar Supporter Success Interview #1 (Audio Program)
During this interview, you will hear how a woman successfully supports her brother. She tells how he almost committed suicide, how she saved him, and how she currently supports him over long distance while still having a life of her own. You’ll pick up dozens of helpful tips, like:
The single most important action you should take if your loved one was diagnosed recently
When to follow a doctor’s advice … and when to grab your loved one and run
The biggest mistake her family made … and how to ensure you don’t make the same mistake (it can be fatal)
The only time you should give money to your loved one who has bipolar disorder
How to recognize the proper amount of support you should give to your loved one … and when it’s OK for your life to be the priority
Why you shouldn’t be the only supporter for your loved one … and how to ensure you have a well-rounded team providing different kinds of support
Who to tell about your loved one’s bipolar … and when to keep the disease under wraps (the answer may surprise you)
The surprising tip that can help you cope with the pain and frustration caused by your loved one’s bipolar
Master Resource #2 – Bipolar Supporter Success Interview #2 (Audio Program)
On this Audio Program, you're going to hear the inspirational story of one woman who supported not one, not two, but three loved ones with bipolar disorder. You'll find out how she manages to help her son and her mother to cope with their illness and how she overcame the suicide of her husband. If you ever thought, “Wow, I have it bad!” then this woman's story will put things in perspective for you. Plus, she'll give you dozens of tips, tricks, and secrets that will help you become an effective bipolar supporter for your loved one without abandoning your own life.
In this interview, you'll discover:
What to do when your loved one becomes violent
What to do when your loved one starts lying
What to do if your loved one gets sent to jail
What to do if your loved one doesn't understand the seriousness of his/her illness
What to do if your loved one gets into fights with people in your family or community
How to help your loved one if he or she can't find friends OR if he or she wants to make new friends
The one thing you need to learn to say when you are supporting a loved one who has bipolar disorder
What you need to know about bipolar disorder and its effect on the rest of your family
A 6-letter word that, if used, can spell trouble for your loved one once he/she becomes an adult
One way to get into trouble with social services and possibly the police unless you take preventative action
What you need to know about bipolar disorder and sex
The right and wrong ways to think about bipolar disorder when you are talking to your friends and family members about the illness. Choosing the wrong approach can set your loved one up for failure in the future.
The biggest mistake you can make when you are supporting a loved one who has bipolar disorder and trying to gather all the information available.
A little mistake that can ruin most of your family's holidays if you are supporting a loved one who has bipolar disorder.
No-fail strategies for achieving success with a loved one who has bipolar disorder
A discovery so startling that it will literally leave you speechless
One little mistake that could ruin your loved one's chances for success
A little mistake that could ruin YOUR health almost instantly and could make it more difficult for you to keep supporting your loved one
How to transform a loved one who has bipolar into a success story, no matter how difficult they have been in the past
A startling fact about school systems and bipolar disorder
Shocking information about bipolar disorder for any woman who has been married to a man for more than five years?
The #1 most effective way to help a loved one overcome self-destructive thoughts
One amazing discover that will change your loved one's life
One thing you should NEVER do to a person who has bipolar
What to NEVER, EVER do with a person who has bipolar disorder – or else!
An amazingly simple, but incredibly powerful technique for helping your loved one
Things you should erase forever from your mind when it comes to how you think about bipolar disorder
How to keep peace in your home
What doctors are REALLY wrong about when it comes to bipolar disorder
How certain ways of taking care of your loved one could be the mysterious secret behind his or her mood swings
Master Resource #3 – Bipolar Supporter Success Interview #3 (Audio Program)
In this insightful interview, you’ll discover how a licensed clinical social worker and ADA specialist who have been working with bipolar disorder since 1989 fell in love with a person with bipolar – and how the disease has impacted their relationship. If you’ve ever attempted to support your loved one but it has caused anger or resentment, be sure to keep a pen and paper nearby during this audio program. You’ll discover proven tips for doing your job … without negatively impacting your relationship.
Here are some of the tidbits you’ll discover in this interview:
What to do if the staff at your loved one’s treatment facility doesn’t want to involve you in the treatment plan
Two types of treatment that are highly effective in coping with bipolar disorder
What never to do with your loved one if you truly want to help them cope with bipolar disorder
A surprising way to see if your loved one is taking medications as prescribed (this trick will get you the answer … without making your loved one angry)
How to help your loved one save face when you control the money
The three most important things you should get access to if you want your loved one’s bipolar to be brought under control
Master Resource #4 – Conquering the Challenges of Bipolar Disorder (Audio Module)
In this interview, a professional in the mental health and criminal justice fields shares her hard-won insights from more than a decade of helping people with bipolar disorder. She discusses what makes some people successful and stable … and why other people with bipolar disorder struggle endlessly.
You’ll discover:
How to adjust your communication based on what state your loved one is in ... and the easiest time to try talking to someone with bipolar
The hardest thing you will have to learn as a supporter of a person with bipolar disorder
When communicating with a person with bipolar is a lost cause (the answer may surprise you)
How to nip confrontations in the bud … or avoid them altogether
The most important factor in determining whether treatment will help your loved one’s bipolar
Why hitting rock bottom may actually be the best thing for your loved one
What to do if your loved one doesn’t seem to want to get better … and won’t follow a prescribed treatment plan
Seven things to look for in a good therapist … and why it’s important to find the right person
The most important thing about your loved one’s job that will determine their success in the position
Is your household unsupportive? Ask yourself these three questions to find out:
Are you thinking about leaving your loved one because you can’t stand the stress of being a supporter? Learn how to determine when it’s not only fair … but when it’s also the best decision for your family
The #1 mistake that people make when trying to be good supporters … and how to ensure that you don’t follow in their footsteps
Master Resource #5 – Amazing Story of One Man’s Survival Against the Odds (Audio Program)
When I first heard this story, I was speechless. This man has survived more problems than any one person should ever have to deal with, including bipolar disorder, autism, epilepsy, and many other health challenges. What's most amazing is not the number of problems he's had … but that he’s faced them bravely and kept surviving through it all. No matter how bad things are with your loved one, you'll be able to say “There is hope for my loved one” after you listen to this audio program.
In this 60 minute interview, this amazing man will tell you how he copes with all of his problems, specifically bipolar disorder. He'll also give you some incredible tips, tricks, and secrets that have helped him conquer bipolar disorder and that will help you and your loved one, as well.
Not only will you be amazed by this man's story, but you should also share it with your loved one. They may also find hope and inspiration in his story.
Here are a few of the things you'll learn on this audio program:
His own perspectives on bipolar disorder – I was super impressed with what he had to say and you will be, too
How he helps the other teenagers in his school who also have bipolar disorder – and there were a lot more of them than I expected
One thing most parents need to know if their children who have bipolar disorder are using drugs and/or drinking – when he shared this, I said, “WOW! That's incredible.”
His opinion of what most people do wrong when they are trying to support a person who has bipolar disorder
How he also helps his friends who have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)– he also has ADD, as do many young people with this illness
The #1 thing his mom did wrong, in his opinion, when he was first told that he had bipolar disorder.
Simple things you can do to help your loved one
Reasons so many teenagers and children have such a hard time battling bipolar disorder
Things parents should always do with their children who have bipolar disorder
If you've ever wondered what your loved one is thinking or feeling, then you MUST listen to this interview. He'll give you an insider's view of what it's like to live with this illness while also struggling with the same problems of any other adolescent. You simply won't be able to hear these things anywhere else.
Master Resource #6 – Bipolar Supporter Success Interview #4 (Audio Program)
No matter how bad things are right now or how bleak the future looks, you can change them around … and this interview will show you how. You'll hear from a woman who has bipolar disorder and is raising a son who also has the disorder. Her sister also had bipolar disorder, but tragically she committed suicide. That tragedy made a tremendous impact on this woman's life, as did the fact that her husband abandoned her and left her to support their son on her own.
As you'll learn in her story, it wasn't easy for her to deal with her illness and her son's, especially since they had EVERYTHING going against them. However, she was able to create a system that turned everything around for her family, and she shares her secrets to success with you in this interview.
Here's some of what you'll learn:
How to deal with your loved one's lies
How to work with physicians so that your loved one will become stable faster and stay that way longer
What to do when your loved one yells at you
One way to help the doctor help your loved one – no one EVER talks about this but it works
What you need to know about bipolar disorder and medication
The first thing you should do after your loved one is diagnosed – or else!
How to tell the difference between moodiness and a bipolar episode
Key signs and symptoms to watch for in your loved one
What you have to do to really support your loved one
What you should NEVER, EVER do even if you feel you need a break from your loved one
How to handle drama during a bipolar episode
One thing that made a difference for this woman and her son
What to do if your loved one REFUSES to take his or her medication – this works even when he or she is threatening or intimidating you
How to handle the “If I didn't have bipolar disorder …” card that your loved one will eventually play
How the “broken record technique” will help you control your loved one if he or she is not cooperating with you
The shocking truth about the police that NOBODY will ever tell you
The real reason your loved one curses at you
What you need to know about “cutting” and bipolar disorder
How to respond when your loved one says he or she hates you
What you need to know about your rights as a bipolar supporter
The worst thing you can tell your loved one – what's really disturbing is that most books on bipolar disorder recommend you to do this!
How to deal with your loved one’s out-of-control behavior WITHOUT sending them to an institution
What to do if your loved one threatens to report YOU for abuse. You need to know these secrets AHEAD of time.
Little-known ways to use the American with Disability Act to help your loved one get the best possible care
How to handle your loved one’s impossible demands
The right way to use positive reinforcement to promote good behavior
How to explain bipolar disorder to your loved one, even if the task seems impossible
The surprising answer to the question: “Should I tell my loved one that he or she has bipolar disorder?”
And much more!
Master Resource #7 – The Top 10 Mistakes Made by Supporters of People With Bipolar Disorder (Audio Program)
In this Audio Program, you’ll hear a detailed discussion of the many things that you need to watch for with your loved ones when they have bipolar disorder. These are things that 99.9% of supporters have to learn the hard way. Don't be one of them!
Here are just a FEW of the many ideas you will learn in this module:
The single costliest mistake you can make when supporting someone with bipolar disorder (over the past 35 years, this one critical error robbed my family of more than $237,000 … and that’s a conservative estimate)
The common misconception about bipolar episodes that can destroy your family
The truth about how you should interact with doctors, therapists, and other medical professionals – it runs contrary to everything you’ve ever learned … but it’s a critical change you must make if you want your loved one to cope with bipolar
What many people don’t want to admit about their loved one’s bipolar disorder … and how to get past this roadblock quickly
The worst thing to do with a person who has bipolar disorder
How to practically guarantee that you get access to the best medical care … and why most people overlook this critical step in coping with bipolar
The eight-word mantra that should guide every action you take in supporting your loved one
Supporting someone with bipolar can cost you a fortune in money and time – here’s how to minimize your “expenses”
The single best time to take action to help your loved one conquer bipolar (most people get this one mixed up completely)
Why most people never get a handle on the disorder
The shocking thing that people with bipolar do that everybody talks about
A little mistake that can make a person with bipolar have a much more difficult time getting well
How to go from everything being calm to having your loved one have a complete breakdown
What doctors and therapists forget to tell people who are supporting people with bipolar about the true costs of the illness
…and much, MUCH more
Master Resource #8 – Bipolar & Money (Audio Program)
In this audio module, you'll find out all of the important information listed below and much, much more:
Why bipolar is the hands-down costliest illness you’ll ever deal with … and the sneaky ways it destroys your financial security
How I lost over $180,000 WITHOUT even knowing it (imagine that) … and why you can, too
Tips, tricks and secrets to properly managing money when your loved one has bipolar disorder
How to save money if you are dealing with bipolar (if you don’t learn this, you’ll go broke for sure)
The four financial ratios that can tell you at a glance whether your loved one’s finances are OK … or in trouble
The three stages of credit difficulty … and the warning signs that you need to be alert to
The one thing you must do today to protect your personal credit and finances … so that you’ll be able to help your loved one
Things you have to watch out for so you don’t have your finances destroyed … and tell-tale signs that your credit and financial security is in serious danger
How people who are financially secure get their finances destroyed by supporting loved ones who have bipolar disorder (and it’s not from hospital or doctor bills)
How to setup special systems to help you make and save money with bipolar disorder
The one habit you should learn and adopt from the world’s wealthiest individuals
The surprising way you can generate thousands of dollars of extra revenue each month to help pay your loved one’s bills
… and a whole lot more you will NEVER find in any other source
Master Resource #9 – A Lifetime of Coping with Bipolar Disorder (Audio Program)
Hear the story of a 65-year-old man who has struggled with bipolar disorder his entire life – many of those years without the miraculous power of bipolar medications. You’ll gain inspiration and valuable ideas to apply to your own life as you hear:
How he used self-discipline to help manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder
Ways to work within the confines of the disease to maximize your productivity
Why he considers himself to be lucky (if you don’t share this attitude, this interview will be an eye-opener for you)
How he cheated death four times … and what to do to ensure you don’t end up in the same situations
How much personal responsibility you should feel if you have bipolar disorder
Finally – an easy-to-understand explanation of why and how bipolar medications work
The bipolar legend that you must absolutely never believe … and why
How limited your life will really be by bipolar disorder (after dealing with the disorder for more than 50 years, he knows!)
Master Resource #10 – Techniques for Dealing With Bipolar Disorder(Audio Program)
Meet a screener for the New Jersey Mental Health System, whose job is to evaluate people who are going through a bipolar episode to determine their need for emergency medical treatment. Discover:
The types of questions you should be able to answer if medical professionals or the police are called to your house because of your loved one
What will happen if professionals are called to your house … and whether the police will come too
Six questions you can ask to begin evaluating your loved one’s mental state
One of the most common reasons people with bipolar hate to be treated
The single most important lesson you must learn if you want to minimize the stress and frustration of supporting someone with bipolar disorder
What to do if you can’t get your loved one to talk to you
The truth about whether you can force your loved one to take medication or enter treatment
How to find out what emergency services treatment plan is available in your area
Five often-overlooked reasons your loved one may stop responding to their medications
The three times of year your loved one is more likely to have an episode
Think an involuntary commitment means sending your loved one to a “looney bin” a la “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”? Here’s how to find out what your local treatment facility is really like
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Listen, the information I unearthed while putting The Bipolar Supporter's Course together has transformed my mother’s life … and mine, too. There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t use at least one of the tips or lessons I learned during the creation of this program.
And I’m so convinced that the information in The Bipolar Supporter's Course will change your life and dramatically reduce the disruption and devastation that bipolar disorder is having on your family, that I’ve made arrangements to get you up to 22 FREE gifts if you request your risk-free copy of The Bipolar Supporter's Course Before 11:59 pm PST on
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Here they are (the number of bonuses you receive depends on which version of The Bipolar Supporter's Course that you order):
FREE Gift #1: A One-Year FREE Subscription to "Bipolar Supporter's Breaking News" e-Letter
Even though I already know a lot about bipolar disorder and about supporting someone who has the disorder, I continue to learn new tips, tricks, and techniques all the time. With "Bipolar Breaking News," you'll learn just as fast as I do. When I find out something new, I will email it out to you immediately.
The reality is that it normally takes a long time to get your hands on the latest discoveries and developments in the medical world. For example, a brand new book would be full of information that is already two to three years old simply because it takes so long for the book to be published.
You shouldn't have to use old information to combat your loved one's bipolar disorder. With "Bipolar Breaking News," you'll have the latest information as soon as it's available.
FREE Gift #2: Bipolar Supporter's Mini Course
You may already be familiar with my Bipolar Supporter's Mini Course which is full of excellent tips, tricks, and secrets about managing and conquering bipolar disorder. Normally this Mini Course is sent out over a three month time period through email but now you can the whole thing right away completely FREE.
FREE Gift #3: [For Masters Course Only] - Special Report: "How To Find A Doctor & Therapist Fast And Get A Qualified Doctor And/OR Therapist To Call YOU."
Remember when I said that my mom's old doctor didn't have answers to the questions he asked about bipolar disorder? Well, after that, we had to get a new doctor. The bad part was that we didn’t know of any!
Even the hospital treating her struggled to give us a good referral. Discouraged by the lack of referrals, my father concluded, “There just aren't any good doctors in our area covered by our insurance.”
Well, I wasn't about to give up. So I invented an entirely new way to get high-quality doctors and therapists to contact YOU. It's really an incredible system, and it worked wonders for my family. My mom has a great doctor now who helped turn around her condition faster than they could have ever hoped for.
FREE Gift #4: [For Masters Course Only] - Special Report: "How To Help Your Loved One Get Out Of Debt Faster"
Studies and my own independent research illustrate that most people who are supporting a loved one who has bipolar disorder run into problems with their bills and with debt. I created this report to show you how I helped my mother get on the track to getting out of debt.
During her last episode (the one that lead to the creation of The Bipolar Supporter's Course), my mom had a stack of bills in her bedroom that was three feet across and 4 inches high. Going through all of those bills was a massive undertaking. Helping her gave me knowledge that can help anyone – even people without bipolar disorder – get out of debt without having to file bankruptcy.
You can use this information first to help your family and your loved one who is living with bipolar disorder. And then you can use it to help yourself and other family members who may also need some sound financial, debt-busting advice.
FREE Gift #5: [For Masters Course Only] – How to Locate Local Support Groups and Resources … and Avoid the Hidden Dangers You May Experience
Finding bipolar support groups is a critical part of the overall management of your loved one’s bipolar disorder. But there are pros and cons you must be aware of when seeking out and attending group meetings. Discover the 8 key characteristics of a good support group … and how to locate the one that best fits your needs.
FREE Gift #6: [For Masters Course Only] - Special Report: "How To Get Help From Your Local, State And Federal Governments When A Person One Has Bipolar"
Many people – maybe even you – don’t realize that there is help available for people with bipolar disorder … IF you know where to look. This report will show you the tips, tricks, and secrets to getting FREE help from the government, so that you can get your loved one’s bipolar disorder under control. You will be amazed at this unbelievable legal and ethical loophole in “the system.”
FREE Gift #7: [For Masters Course Only] - "How To Help Your Loved One Find A Great Job."
The first thing I thought when I found this information was "I really wish we knew this 20 years ago." There are some great jobs that are perfect for people with bipolar disorder but they simply aren't "advertised well." Once you know about them, you can help your loved one find one that's right for their needs and skills so they'll be able to ensure their financial stability (which means your family will have one less thing to worry about because of the bipolar disorder).
FREE Gift #8: [For Masters Course Only] - Special Report: "The Best and Worst Credit Cards For Those With Bipolar Disorder."
My family found out the hard way with my mom that all credit cards are not created equal. The differences between cards may not matter to most people. But when you are dealing with bipolar disorder, they are significant. This report will help prevent your loved one from developing credit problems – or from making existing credit problems even worse.
FREE Gift #9: [For Masters Course Only] -The Pattern Of Lying In Bipolar Disorder
You may not realize it yet, but one gigantic obstacle you’re likely to face when supporting your loved one is their lying. Few people want to talk about this aspect of bipolar disorder, but the truth is that even the most honest person will tell lies when they are in an episode. Some of these lies are enormous and can have serious ramifications.
This report will help you determine whether or not your loved one has already been lying to you. You’ll also get concrete advice on how to combat those lies for the sake of your loved one’s health and your family's well-being.
FREE Gift #10: [For Masters Course Only] -"What You Need To Know About The Holidays And Bipolar Disorder."
In most families, holidays are a time for celebrating. When your loved one has bipolar disorder, holidays can turn into disasters. Christmas, Thanksgiving, even birthdays, can all be ruined by your loved one’s bipolar disorder if you're not careful. In this report, I go through everything you need to know in order to deal with the holidays and bipolar disorder. You’ll also get some specific steps that you can take to prevent your loved one from going into an episode that might destroy your family's holiday celebrations.
FREE Gift #11: [For Masters Course Only] – Keys to Successful SELF-Advocacy
Between insurance, government support, manufacturer programs and other bipolar support groups, there are plenty of resources available to help you deliver excellent support to your loved one with bipolar disorder. But … representatives from these groups won’t be banging down your door trying to help. They’re simply too busy keeping up with demand to be able to take proactive action to help you.
That’s why you simply must become an advocate for your loved one. You can become a catalyst that makes the system work and deliver maximum benefit for your loved one – and this special report will show you the seven most important things you can do.
FREE Gift #12: [For Masters Course Only] – Keeping a Behavioral Diary on Your Loved One with Bipolar Disorder
When your loved one experiences a full-blown bipolar episode, it can be near-impossible to get a doctor to understand how dramatic the changes are. By keeping an accurate and comprehensive behavioral diary, you’ll be able to quickly bring medical professionals (and the police, if your loved one is ever arrested) up to speed. Discover the type of information to include, how often to make entries into your behavior diary, the best way to organize information, and more.
FREE Gift #13: [For Masters Course Only] – The Fair Debt & Collection Act: A Primer for Bipolar Supporters
If your loved one is in debt, as most people with bipolar disorder end up at least once in their lives, you’ll probably get collection calls from aggressive, angry debt collectors. This concise report spells out exactly what debt collectors are legally allowed to do when pursuing your loved one (you’ll probably be surprised to read this – I know I was!) … and the most common tactics they use to intimidate and trick uninformed supporters.
FREE Gift #14: [For Masters Course Only] – How to Stop a Hostile Bill Collector FAST!
Due to the massive expenses and other complications of bipolar disorder, you and/or your loved one may get behind on bills. If you ever get a phone call from a hostile merchant or bill collector, you’ll want this special report nearby. You get a word-for-word script for exactly what to say when a bill collector starts yelling, screaming and threatening you … plus proven steps to take to ensure your bills are paid without further trouble.
FREE Gift #15: [For Masters Course Only] – How to Get a FREE Credit Report If Dealing With Bipolar Disorder
One of the first steps you need to take to help clean up your loved one’s credit and financial woes is to request a copy of their credit report. This report reveals the six scenarios in which you qualify to receive a free copy.
FREE Gift #16: [For Masters Course Only] – Protecting Your Finances if Your Loved One Has Bipolar Disorder
It can be financially crippling to deal with the many expenses associated with treating bipolar disorder … not to mention the often-outrageous spending sprees that your loved one goes on during manic episodes. Follow the proven steps in this report to avoid having your financial future sabotaged.
You’ll discover:
8 of the most common ways that bipolar can destroy your finances
The 3-step system to getting your finances back on track and protected from further harm
How to take an accurate snapshot of where your finances are today
The surprising – and incredibly risky – mistake that many families make when a loved one has bipolar disorder
The most common cause of financial crises … and how to find out if your loved one has fallen prey to this financial trap
The two biggest mistakes that people make when building a budget … and why you can’t afford to make these same errors when your loved one has bipolar disorder
The truth about how much money you should have in a savings account in case you lose your job or you have to quit your job to take care of your loved one during a bipolar episode
7 quick and painless ways to begin building your financial cushion
The 4 most important things to build a financial fortress around your personal assets to keep them safe from the costs of bipolar disorder
The most dangerous kind of income a person with bipolar disorder can receive … and what you must do immediately if any of this money falls into your loved one’s lap
The 5 criteria that are judged when determining your credit score … and why canceling cards may actually hurt your loved one’s credit history and score
Why you need to contact the companies that issued your loved one’s credits cards today … and exactly what to say to them
Health insurance is a MUST if your loved one has bipolar … yet many people don’t have adequate coverage (if any). Discover how to get the health insurance your loved one needs … even if you think you can’t afford it or get it
Whether your loved one really needs disability insurance … and the three most critical questions you must ask if you shop for it
The top 5 steps you must take to put your financial protection plan into practice … and the best time to take action (hint: it may NOT be today)
FREE Gift #17: [For Masters Course Only] – What You Need to Know About Dating or Marrying Someone With Bipolar Disorder
The questions surrounding romance when one partner has bipolar disorder could fill a book. There is a huge stigma surrounding mental illness … which is why most people freeze up when they discover that the person they’ve been dating has bipolar disorder in ways they wouldn’t if they had learned you were suffering from a learning disability or heart disease.
These two special reports help you or your loved one navigate the special questions that surround dating and marriage when a partner has bipolar disorder, like:
Should you reveal that you have bipolar?
What could happen if the person you are dating has bipolar disorder … and can you handle the fallout?
What are the warning signs that my boyfriend or girlfriend is getting sicker and needs help … and what should I do about it?
What’s the best thing for me to do during manic or depressive episodes?
How can you prepare for marriage if you decide to make your relationship permanent?
What critical information must I know about my spouse and carry with me in case of an emergency?
What can I do to make sure that my spouse is safe, secure and as stable as possible during an episode?
Will my spouse really cheat on me … and what can I do to guarantee fidelity?
How likely is it that my spouse will become unemployed because of bipolar disorder … and what should I do if this happens?
What should I do to ensure that my finances are never put at risk by my spouse’s bipolar disorder?
How much should we reveal to our friends and relatives?
Should we have children?
How likely is it that our children will inherit my spouse’s bipolar disorder?
If we have children, how can we minimize the negative impact of my spouse’s bipolar disorder?
FREE Gift #18: [For Masters Course Only] -"How to Report Bad Doctors"
Have you had a really bad experience with a physician, psychiatrist or doctor of another kind … like my family did with my mother’s original physician (the moron who was asking her – a patient with bipolar – whether her meds were correct)? Did you want to let others know about the bad experience but didn't know how? This report will provide you with the techniques you can use to alert others of bad doctors so they will not have to have the same type of bad experiences.
Inside this valuable report, you’ll discover:
What truly makes a doctor “bad”
The hands-down most important thing you should do FIRST if you’ve been the victim of life-threatening malpractice
The 10 best organizations to contact if you want to protect other families coping with bipolar from bad doctors
One of the best ways you can ensure that you end up with a good doctor … and steer clear of the ones who will waste your time and even endanger your child’s health
and, MUCH more.
FREE Gift #19: [For Masters Course Only] - Bipolar Life Savers Resources Directory
One of the most frustrating, time-consuming, and costly challenges you're going to face while caring for your loved one is finding the right resources, including support groups, organizations, doctors, therapists, etc. I built up a tremendous arsenal of information about these resources while I was researching how best to handle my mom’s bipolar episode – all yours in this free guide.
The guide includes a complete listing of all the resources I’ve found most valuable or that have been highly recommended to me by people I trust. Once you get this directory, I urge you to read through it once with a yellow highlighter in hand … so you can mark the resources that are the most important to you and your family. That way you'll have easy access to them throughout the year. This will save you a ton of time and money – and will ensure that you can get the help your loved one needs.
Let me give you a taste of what types of resources you'll find in this guide:
How to get FREE or low-cost medicine
How to get FREE help to get a job that works great if you are supporting a loved one with bipolar
People, places, and organizations that are in YOUR area that will help you cope and deal with supporting a loved one with bipolar
Highly trained people that will come to your house, for FREE, and watch a person with bipolar disorder while you take a break all day.
Plus, much more!
There are 32 pages of information. There's just so much information packed into this resource that you won't believe it. And most of it isn't available at all on the Internet. So even if you've done your own search for resources, I can guarantee you'll find something new and useful here.
FREE Gift #20: [For Masters Course Only] - One Question Certificate.
The truth is that no book, manual, or course has ever been able to answer every single possible question. That’s why you get this question certificate, which you can cash in simply by faxing, emailing, or mailing your question to me. Once I receive your most pressing question, I’ll get right back to you with an answer. (Make sure to include your telephone number, because in many cases it's easier to discuss the answers over the phone than through email.)
I’m willing to give you personal attention because I know from experience that it's great to talk to someone who is knowledgeable about bipolar disorder – especially someone who has been where you are now. (My only stipulation is that I am NOT a doctor or lawyer, so you CANNOT ask medical OR legal questions. Any other questions are completely fine.)
FREE Gift #21: [For Masters Course Only] - Support Plan Critique.
Part of conquering bipolar disorder is planning. You need a solid support plan in place so that you'll be ready to tackle any problem that comes up with your loved one immediately … and with a minimum of disruption and stress. Not only have I helped my mother to develop her own support plan, but I’ve also helped countless other people to create plans for themselves and/or their loved ones.
With this free gift, I’ll review your support plan and send you a personal, detailed critique of that plan with tips and suggestions for making it even stronger. With my help and a solid plan, you will be able to get your loved one on the path to a stable and productive life.
FREE Gift #22: [For Masters Course Only] -Access To Important Documents
I want to make sure that you have access to as many useful tools as possible while you're struggling to support your loved one with bipolar disorder. That's why I’ve set up a special website where you can download customizable documents that will assist you in helping your loved one. Below is a partial list of the documents you'll find on the site:
Forms to help you manage your loved one’s care during an episode
Documents to help protect their finances … and yours
Materials to ensure that doctors and therapists are giving your loved one the best care possible
Plus, many more tools that you'll find extremely valuable.
Priceless Advice from the Leading Bipolar Experts and Bipolar Survivors … for Less than $1 a Day
If you’re like most people I’ve met in bipolar support groups, you don’t want to waste a single minute in the rush to find help for your loved one. And you’d rather spend your time with your loved one than cooped up at the library or on the computer wading through thousands of pages of research in search for the tiniest scrap of helpful information.
That’s why The Bipolar Supporter's Course makes such a smart investment. It compiles the very best thinking and information available today on how to best help people with bipolar successfully cope with the illness. It gives you access to some of the top experts on bipolar disorder (access you would probably never be able to get on your own). And it offers you hope and inspiration by introducing you to people who are so adept at managing their bipolar that it’s almost like living with a cold, rather than one of the most devastating mental illnesses around.
Take another quick look at everything you get when you request your own risk-free copy of The Bipolar Supporter's Course before 11:59 pm PST on
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Website Abstraction (
Over 200+ free scripts here!
var mydate=new Date()
var year=mydate.getYear()
if (year "+dayarray[day]+", "+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+"")
Friday, May 04, 2007.
The Bipolar Supporter's Manual
Audio Program: Bipolar Supporter Success Interview #1
NOT Included
Audio Program: Bipolar Supporter Success Interview #2
NOT Included
Audio Program: Bipolar Supporter Success Interview #3
NOT Included
Audio Program: Conquering the Challenges of Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Audio Program: Amazing Story of One Man’s Survival Against the Odds
NOT Included
Audio Program: Bipolar Supporter Success Story #4
NOT Included
Audio Program: The Top 10 Mistakes Made by Supporters of People With Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Audio Program: Bipolar & Money
NOT Included
Audio Program: A Lifetime of Coping with Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Audio Program: Techniques for Dealing With Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
A One Year FREE Subscription to "Bipolar Supporters Breaking News" e-Letter.
Bipolar Supporter's Mini Course
Special Report: How To Find A Doctor & Therapist Fast And Get A Qualified Doctor And/OR Therapist To Call YOU
Special Report: How To GET Your Loved One Out Of Debt Faster
NOT Included
Special Report: How to Locate Local Support Groups and Resources … and Avoid the Hidden Dangers You May Experience
NOT Included
Special Report: How To Get Help From Your Local, State and Federal Governments When A Person Has Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Special Report: How To Help Your Loved One Find a Great Job
NOT Included
Special Report: The Best and Worst Credit Cards For People Dealing With Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
The Pattern of Lying In Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Special Report: What You Need To Know About The Holidays And Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Special Report: How to Report Bad Doctors
NOT Included
Special Report: Keys to Successful Self-Advocacy
NOT Included
Special Report: Keeping a Behavioral Diary on Your Loved One with Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Special Report: The Fair Debt & Collection Act: A Primer for Bipolar Supporters
NOT Included
Special Report: How to Stop a Hostile Bill Collector FAST!
NOT Included
Special Report: How to Get a FREE Credit Report
NOT Included
Special Report: Protecting Your Finances if Your Loved One Has Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Special Report: What You Need to Know About Dating or Marrying Someone With Bipolar Disorder
NOT Included
Bipolar Life Savers Resources Directory
NOT Included
One Question Certificate
NOT Included
Support Plan Critique
NOT Included
Special Report: Access To Important Documents
NOT Included
. . . But you do NOT need to invest $326 OR even $1396 . . .
You get more than $1,300 worth of practical resources that are crammed full of techniques that have been proven to help people successfully live with bipolar disorder.
These are techniques that I painstakingly researched and tested during the six-month sabbatical I took from my job to help my mother recover from a major bipolar episode. I spent more than $3,200 out of pocket to find and interview experts, research the techniques and figure out what actually works in real life – not to mention absorbing a more than $55,000 loss of income because my mother required care 24/7.
I know that most families don’t have the luxury of having one person that is devoted to full-time, around-the-clock care of a loved one with bipolar disorder … much less spend more than $3,000 and six months researching the best treatment and coping options available. Because I’m committed to helping other families avoid the painful struggles, stress and frustration that my family experienced, I’m also committed to keeping the price of The Bipolar Supporter's Course low enough for every family to afford.
That’s why the Master’s Version of The Bipolar Supporter's Course – which delivers a full retail value of $1,396 – is priced at a very affordable $199.95 (plus S&H). That’s just 68 cents a day for a year – probably less than a penny a day when you consider that these are techniques you’ll be using the rest of your life.
Surely you can afford to invest 68 cents a day for the health, well-being and success of your loved one, can’t you?
After all, that’s less than you pay for your daily cup of coffee, bottle of water, or can of soda. For a gallon of gas. For a long-distance phone call. Maybe even for tolls on your commute to work.
The basic version of The Bipolar Supporter's Course is even more economical at just $99.95. (The drawback, of course, is that you don’t get nearly the same volume of top-quality resources as you receive with the master’s version.)
The bottom line is that you can …
Spend less than a quarter a day … and still get access to this wealth of information.
Here’s another way to tell which version of the course makes the most sense for you: Think about all of the time and money you’ve spent on doctor visits and therapy appointments so far … and now tally up the number of effective coping strategies you’ve learned at those appointments.
I’m willing to guess that it’ll take you at least several more doctor’s visits or therapy appointments to extract even a fraction of the information in The Bipolar Supporter's Course. If you make $20 an hour at your job, you only have to save yourself 10 hours of time (a snap to do when you look at the time you waste driving to and from appointments, never mind waiting around for the doctor to actually get to you) to make your investment worth every penny.
Wouldn’t you rather spend your free time with your loved one rather than desperately searching the Internet for information about bipolar disorder? Wouldn’t you rather spend a few hours learning what’s worked for other families and people with bipolar rather than dragging your loved one (and taking off of work yet again) from appointment to appointment in a fruitless search for answers?
Of course you would. That’s why it makes perfect sense to order your copy today.
I’ll Even Help Finance Your Purchase
Now maybe this is a tight month … and you don’t have $199.95 to invest right now. If that's the case, I have more good news for you.
When you decide to pay for your investment in the Master’s Edition of The Bipolar Supporter’s Course using your Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover card, you don't have to pay the full amount up front. Instead, you can make two convenient equal monthly installment payments (shipping and handling charges will be added to your first payment).
Trust me, you can’t go wrong by investing in The Bipolar Supporter’s Course.
But just to make things 100% risk-free for you … I’m going to back your investment in this information-packed resource with this unheard of, two-part guarantee.
Your Investment Is Backed by a TWO Iron-Clad, 100%, 120-Day, Total-Satisfaction-or-Your-Money-Back Guarantee
GUARANTEE #1: IRON Clad NO Questions Asked 120-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Take the next 120 days to go through every bit of information I’ve included in The Bipolar Supporter's Course. Take notes, and test some of the strategies and techniques with your loved one.
If you don’t agree that The Bipolar Supporter's Course is the most valuable and concise resource you’ve ever found on successfully coping with bipolar disorder, I demand that you send it back for a total refund of your investment (less Shipping & Handling).
You can even keep the free gifts as a thank you for giving the course a try.
I’m delighted to offer this generous total satisfaction guarantee because I’m confident that you’ll know exactly what to do for your loved one after going through The Bipolar Supporter's Course. You CAN help your loved one beat this illness … and I’m ready to support you every step of the way.
GUARANTEE #2: The 5-Month, $817 Challenge
If, at the end of 5 months, you haven’t SAVED at least $817 with my course, all you need to do is ask me for a refund and you’ve got it, every penny (less Shipping & Handling), after 5 months. This course is designed to teach you about bipolar disorder, save you time –and save you money. I am so confident about this that I’ve built it into my guarantee.
“I doubt you can find anybody else offering any kind of information on bipolar disorder willing to provide a guarantee even half as strong as mine.”
- David Oliver, author of The Bipolar Supporter's Course
But don’t just take my word for it. Take a look at what supporters of people with bipolar are saying about The Bipolar Supporter's Course.
Why Supporters of People with Bipolar Disorder Highly Recommend The Bipolar Supporter's Course
Here’s a small sample of the praise and positive feedback I’ve received from grateful spouses, children, siblings, relatives and friends of people with bipolar disorder.
“I have recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I ordered David's course for my boyfriend since he was my only support system that I had. Not only did David's course help him it also helped me.
It gave him more information on what the disorder was, what to expect, how to plan for an episode, how to handle my affairs if I ever had to be hospitalized, and so much more. He was much more confident about talking to the doctors after reading the information. He was better educated to ask questions that we would have never even known to ask. Before David's course we were not even sure if he should be going to the doctor with me. Now we know what we should be doing.
It gave me all the information I needed and questions I needed to ask to make sure that I picked the right therapist, the right doctor, and the right medical staff treating me.
I am one of the luckier ones. I have a mental illness but I am not afraid to get help. In fact I invite it any time I can because I do not want to be like this anymore. I have put a lot of effort in to finding as much information as I can for myself and my family but David's course gave me information that I never even thought to look for. This is the best investment I could have ever made for myself and my family. Thanks again,”
-Bridget Brown
“I am a nurse with bipolar. I found your course by doing an Internet search on “bipolar.” You sent the information I ordered promptly. You were available per phone or Email to answer my questions. I found the materials to be thorough and very appropriate for any person supporting a loved one who is bipolar. The audio-tape was especially meaningful. David’s course is well worth the cost. What is it worth to see a loved one stable and receiving necessary support and community benefits? You decide.“
-Mary E. McPheron
“Mr. Oliver,
There are no words to tell you how much you have helped my family. Your course has given us new hope for our son.”
-Eileen Madej
"Dear David,
Where have you been all my life??? Your information is invaluable. Thank you so much."
-Bonnie B.
“The Bipolar Supporters Manual by David Oliver is a valuable new resource for people with this illness, and their family and friends. My husband suffered from this disorder for years before it was finally diagnosed. I felt like I was living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Our finances were a mess and his mood swings could be unbearable at times. This guide helps individuals and family members come to terms with the diagnosis; recognize early warning signs of manic or depressive episodes; cope with triggers for mood swings; manage medication problems and family and work issues; and learn to collaborate effectively with doctors and therapists. I found the Bipolar Supporters Manual by David Oliver to be informative and thorough. It gave the information in an easy to read and well put together format.”
-Marlene Hamilton, Oliver B.C. Canada
“Thank you for your emails concerning bi-polar disorder. It is I who am bi-polar, but not experiencing the extremes you have described. I found your course very useful. There are differences between the Canadian and American medical system which make it somewhat easier for me to get the assistance I need. I was looking for pitfalls to watch out for, and you showed me a number of them. I would say that your course is very complete. However, since I do not experience the severe situations which you have described, I am unable to offer assistance. You have covered more than I need.”
-Geena Green
“Dear David,
The bipolar mini-course was exceptional in its content and insight. Having shared it with my husband, he also appreciated your information. Since problems have run in my family, it was a gentle reminder of what sufferers of bipolar disorder face, and family advice on how to deal with the aspects. Thank you so much for your time and help, and for caring enough to share this information.”
-Laura K. · Pompano Beach, FL
"Hi, David --
I really enjoy reading your sessions. They are excellent. I am looking for information about bipolar sufferers to share news or story to help me understand how and why I have to deal with bipolar myself. Anyway, I do really enjoy reading yours!!!"
-Sherri Juby
“Hello Mr. Oliver
I truly found your seminar , helpful and inspirational in so many ways it has been a truly powerful eye opener. Thank you for the service and I whole heartedly recommend it to anyone in need of information about bi-polar and it's consequences.”
-Rey Torres
"I found your course to be honest and educating to the public. I appreciated you sending me the info, I read it and agreed with you. People who have love ones who have bi-polar need as much education as they can receive about how to deal with the disease. The disease can affect other people as well as the patient who has it, and it is a very gross and difficult disease to deal with unless you understand the various components of the disease and the particular aspects of the individuals needs to prevent an episode and to encourage them to keep taking their medication. Thank you,”
-Dr. Colette M. Dowell, ND
“Hi Dave,
I already ordered your course, received it, and I'm using it. I must add that one of the most important things, other than the course, is your feedback. When you know that there's someone there to answer your questions, it gives you a feeling of security. You have no idea how helpful you have been to me each time you have given me feedback regarding one of my concerns. It's as though I were not alone and you were holding my hand comforting me and reassuring me that all will be all right. I really do thank you.”
-Josephyne Fisher
“David, I just got done reading the Bipolar Manual and I wanted to thank you for writing it and sharing your personal experience. I have never seen one source of so much information on bipolar in one place. Not only was this a great manual, it was easy to read and understand.
Your manual has helped me get more insight on bipolar disorder and it also has helped me to better understand the illness. Because of your manual, I feel better equipped to help my loved one whereas before I felt like there was no hope. Not only do I know what to do and how to react, I feel if I forget to something, I can refer back to the manual for help.
David, I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me through your manual.”
-Pascale Jean
"David, Do not quit. Your information is the best I have gotten to help me understand our bipolar son."
"David, From the moment I got the information in the mail, I could not put it down. We have been looking for information to help our daughter, your information came a few days before we were going to have her probated. After reading your information, I had a talk with her and convinced her to change her meds, to help us (dad, mom, brother since we have the problem). I don't think it was an accident that I came upon your site, I prayed that the good Lord would help us help her. We didn't want to probate her."
"I just started receiving your mini free course in Jan. 05 and I find that any information regarding my son's well being and my peace of mind is worth reading.
The bottom line is every person in our family now receives your mini course. We email one another and talk about what we have read and how it applies to our loved one. Your course has given us a small portion of what to watch for to keep a major episode in the past into getting help sooner to keep the number of days in the hospital to a minimum.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for real time information that is very beneficial to our family and coping with this disease on a daily basis."
--Linda H.
"All I can say is I wish I would have found your course and information about a year ago and it would have really really helped me I think we expected too much from my brother and so consequently he is in a worse situation now. Thanks."
"Hi David, Your course HAS helped me start to understand what Bi-Polar is and what kinds of things people do who have this disorder. It has helped tremendously to stop me from responding the wrong way (taking it personally) to a person in our family who is "suspect bi-polar". Mentally and emotionally I feel "free" from getting wrapped up in this persons emotional "hell". "
"I am for one glad I found your information. My EX-husband is Bipolar-Rapid cycler. I can tell you, you feel really alone in dealing with this disease. I didn't recognize a lot of the things going on. I wish I would have known more so I could have helped more, but that comes with time and knowledge. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK."
Click here for more testimonials.
Request your risk-free copy of The Bipolar Supporter's Course now.
You Have 3 Choices … Which Path Will You Lead Your Family Down?
Well, it’s decision time. You have three choices now. And the one you choose will affect you – and your loved one – for the rest of your lives.
Choice #1: You don't do anything. You can keep pretending that you have a handle on your loved one’s bipolar disorder or that everything will work itself out. You can just turn a blind eye to the horrible possibilities of drugs, alcohol abuse, problems at work, bankruptcy, lost friends, homelessness, bad doctors, and poverty that await your loved one in the future.
Trust me, I've spoken to enough people who have bipolar disorder to know that these are the results when the disorder isn't dealt with properly.
Choice #2: You can decide to search for this information on your own. You can do the research, spend a ton of money, and devote years to trial and error testing before possibly finding a way to conquer your loved one’s bipolar disorder. Keep in mind that the strategies that are included in this course have taken years and costs thousands of dollars to research.
In the meantime, your loved one’s career, socialization, and well-being will suffer. And your life will continue to be disrupted and dictated by the whims of this vicious disease.
Remember, the real key to your loved one’s success is getting the RIGHT information and taking massive and immediate action on what you learn.
Without the right information, you and your loved one are DOOMED! You will spend years trying to figure things out. Getting all the right information could take years, upon years. I know – because the strategies I reveal in The Bipolar Supporter’s Course took a solid year of day and night research and thousands of dollars to develop.
As I look back with my experience, I’ve said:
If I only had more information… Yes, if I only had more information, my family would have been spared so many of the horrors I described to you. Our journey would have been one of joy and discovery, instead of pain and suffering. Needless pain and suffering many times.
The Good News is…I have learned from my mistakes and hundreds of other parent’s mistakes.
The Better News is…You can learn all of this in the comfort of your own home.
The Best News is…you can have all the information you need to make it through the maze of supporting a child with bipolar disorder, WITHOUT having to go through what I went through, because you will have the one thing I did not have and had to get on my own—INFORMATION!!!
That’s why it makes the most logical sense to go with …
Choice #3: You can invest in The Bipolar Supporter's Course and immediately discover how to start effectively helping your loved one reclaim his or her life. You'll be able to take a “shortcut” past all of the time, energy, effort, money, and heartbreak so your loved one and the rest of your family can be happy again without the threat of another episode looming over them.
So which choice are you going to make?
I want to help my loved one cope with bipolar.
The Longer You Wait … the Harder and Less Likely It Will Be to Get Back to “Normal”
You may not have realized this but … bipolar disorder is one of the most devastating disorders on the planet. It can and often does destroy everyone and everything in its path. Plus, it’s one of the most EXPENSIVE illnesses you’ll ever be faced with. People have gone from living lush and lavish lifestyles to being practically penniless because of this disorder. Not to mention the loss of jobs, relationships, and peace of mind that bipolar disorder also causes.
The bad news is that … the longer you wait to intervene, the worse the problems are going to get.
That's why it's so crucial that you take this step now so that you can help your loved one bypass the problems that plague so many people who have bipolar disorder.
Look at my family. My mom dealt with bipolar disorder for her entire life, but if her parents had found the information I’ve included in The Bipolar Supporter's Course, they could have saved her and us from years of grief, mountains of debt, and dozens of damaged relationships.
Even my dad and I could have helped my mom earlier and saved our family from going through the nightmares her episodes represented. But we didn't. We simply chose to believe that each episode would be the last … and we’d try to reassure ourselves that “it can't get any worse.”
But guess what . . . bipolar doesn't go away. And your loved one won't get better on their own. The problems and episodes will just keep getting worse and worse.
Eventually, your entire family will be dragged down, too.
There is no cure for bipolar disorder.
The only way your loved one will achieve a normal life is by learning to cope with the disorder.
Now YOU have the power to help your loved one live a normal, happy, successful life as a productive member of society … with the information, tips and techniques contained in The Bipolar Supporter's Course.
With the information you'll find in this course, you will be able to turn your loved one’s life around. You'll be able to ensure that your loved one receives the best medical treatment possible, is able to nip any future episodes in the bud, stay out of financial trouble, and hold down a steady job.
Aren’t you finally ready to reclaim your own life … by helping your loved one conquer bipolar disorder? Or would you rather waste the next twenty, thirty, or forty+ years being bossed around by this nasty mental illness?
Ask anyone who has bipolar disorder or who has been supporting someone with the disorder for years, and they'll tell you … that they would pay ANY amount of money to turn back the clock and to make the types of changes you’ll discover in this course. They know that this information would have made theirs and their loved ones' lives better sooner.
I’m ready to help my loved one live with bipolar disorder.
This is your chance to save your loved one and your family from the ravages of bipolar disorder. All you have to do is make the right decision today, order your copy of The Bipolar Supporter's Course, and review it risk-free for the next 120 days.
The information in all three versions of this course cannot be found in any other book, course, manual, etc. You won't find it at the library. Your family doctor won't be able to give it to you. How do I know? Because I tried to find it myself. It's not there! You owe it to your loved one, your family … and YOURSELF … to take action and get this material.
Ordering is easy. Just click the button below to be taken to a secure server where you can place your order online using your credit card – or even a personal check.
David Oliver, AuthorThe Bipolar Supporter's Course
90-100 Rte 206 Ste 300Stanhope, NJ 07874(973) 347-1268
P.S. Remember, you can try The Bipolar Supporter's Course for a full 120 days risk free. If you aren’t thrilled with your investment in this information-packed resource, send it back for a full refund (less Shipping & Handling).
P.P.S. Don't forget that to receive those great FREE Bonus Gifts your order must be received BEFORE 11:59 pm PST on
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