We have been talking a lot about money.There's a problem that affects alot of people with bipolar disorderand their loved ones. So, I'm justwarning you:
Once they become stable and high functioning, many peoplewith bipolar disorder wind up being really successful. They make lots of money (while those who are not as high functioning may still bebattling financial troubles, which I go over extensively in my courses:But if they do become successful,which I teach in my courses that they definitely can be, some of these people start going to the extreme -which I do NOT teach them to do!
SUPPORTING AN ADULT WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?Visit:http://www.bipolarsupporter.com/report11SUPPORTING A CHILD/TEEN WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER?Visit:http://www.bipolarparenting.comHAVE BIPOLAR DISORDER?Visit:http://www.survivebipolar.netThe extreme is what I was talkingabout before - about buying lots ofunnecessary things and living a highlifestyle.Then they have to cut back onwhatever they did to make all themoney, because the stress puts themback into a bipolar episode, and thecycle just continues on and on.IS IT WORTH IT?Sustaining this high lifestyle is toomuch, and not worth it. You shouldcut back and downsize to a moresimple life. De-stressing alone would be worth what you have to do to achieve it.Take a look at all your stuff and see what you really need (as opposed towhat you really want). Do you reallyneed 300 stations on your TV? Doyou need 3 cars? Do you need to eatout 8 times a month? Do you need tobuy all those expensive clothes?I know this married couple, where both of them have bipolar disorder,and they both live on disability. Theyused to have high paying jobs, alongwith the pressure that came along withthat, and they had all the trappings ofit as well - the house, the car, theclothes, etc.But both of them could not keep upthat lifestyle, and their high tower felldown. They were both living monthto month on just their disability, untilI met them, and now one of them worksfor me. But the point is, they havecontinued to live a very simple lifestyle.AND THEY ARE HAPPIER THENTHEY WERE BEFORE!It's basically very simple. If you continue to live a high lifestyle, youwill continue to have the high stressthat that lifestyle brings into your life.And if you have bipolar disorder, thatcan cause you to have episodes.IS IT WORTH IT?It's your choice. You can give up the stress, and you can live a simplerlifestyle. You can still be successfulwithout all the materialistic trappings.And you'll be much happier for it.I have a friend that's made like $400,000a year for several years. He has like $50,000in savings and that number is going DOWNeach month. Imagine that?You know what's "Crazy" so to speak. I haveseen time and time again people choose betweentreatment and medication and "cool" and "luxury"items. Hey, I just looked at the clock. I have an interviewto do. Mega bipolar success story and drug/alcoholaddiction.Catch you tomorrow. Have a great day!PLEASE POST RESPONSES TO THIS EMAIL HEREhttps://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=12584731&postID=1675872145073863769Your friend,Dave-P.S. Don't forget to take a look through the different programs I've put together... each one is designed to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whetheryou have it or you are supporting someone with it. You can see them all and get the details by visiting:http://www.bipolarcentral.com/catalog.aspP.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails that I have sent in the past and lots of great information for you:http://www.bipolarcentral.com/supporterblog/P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give mini seminars designed to teach you information you can't learn anywhere else.http://bipolarcentral.libsyn.com
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
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1 comment:
My mother had told when you face any knid of illness whatever it is everyday is a battle..
As you end one day of your life, you feel the worthniess of what battle that have taken that day ...
Im not sre if this is true, but it feels that way ..
Thank you for the info, it keeps knowing
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